Increase Conversions

More Websites Viewed on Mobile than Desktop Last Month

Digital technologies have become more advanced, and with this, the industry has had to adapt to the new user behaviours with new algorithms and updates.

After the Google mobile friendly update, ‘mobilegeddon’ in April 2016, in which mobile searches overtook desktop, it has been essential for businesses to have a responsive website, in order to prevent businesses falling behind to competitors.

In October last month, more webpages were viewed on mobile and tablet devices than desktop than ever before, highlighting the change in user behaviour and the importance for a fully responsive website.

Mobile and Tablet Overtake Desktop Page Views

This signifies that user behaviour has changed and that people are choosing to use mobiles and tablets for their preferred browsers.

Worldwide Shipments of PC's

To put this into perspective, manufactures are still shipping 4x the amount of smartphones as they are laptops and desktops a year.

Is your website responsive?

A responsive website is now seen as standard by Google. If you do not have a responsive website, you could be putting your business at a disadvantage against your competitors. The question now is ‘how do I do this?’

Go Responsive Today!

At iCandy Design, we work with businesses of all sizes to update website to make them fully compliant with all devices. If you would like our help or would like more information on responsive website design, please contact us today!