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Brand Identity - The importance of keeping it fresh

So, you have established your brand identity, but when was the last time your brand had a refresh?

Refresh Brand Identity

First, let’s revisit why your brand identity is important. It’s how your customers see your business. If it’s not a coherent picture from your ethos to your branding, across your multiple business channels it can lead to customer confusion. This confusion can cause your company to lack credibility and cause distrust with customers, equating to lost leads and reduced revenue.

Why should you refresh your Brand Identity?

Brand identity isn’t static and it’s important to re-evaluate it every couple of years. As your brand grows and expands sometimes your brand identity can become unclear. Taking a step back to look at the full brand picture can be an invaluable exercise in making sure your branding has not strayed too far from your core brand ethos and values.

There are many reasons why it might be time to refresh your brand identity including:

  • Lack of Uniformity: This could be across different platforms, like social media or your website. Or across different brand elements, the tone of voice, fonts or style of imagery.
  • Outdated: What was on trend when you first created your brand or did your last refresh, may now look outdated.
  • Growth and Expansion: As a company grows, the markets they are in may change or increase, so your branding should reflect this. It could be with the creation of a sub-brand or an update of your colour palette to reflect the different sectors.

A brand refresh is all part of good brand management - being adaptive and responsive to the customer perception of your company, to create a truly compelling brand identity. An example of a company that has great brand management is Google. They refreshed their branding relevant to their brand identity as the business expands from a search engine to email, maps, mobiles and more. See the evolutions of Google’s branding and how with each refresh they strengthen their core brand identity…

The benefits of a Brand Refresh

Having a brand refresh, whether that’s to realign the branding with your company’s core values and beliefs or to give your branding a modern update, all helps support and unify your brand identity. Strong brand identity helps your business to build brand awareness, creating high customer-based brand equity.

When all of these elements are pulled together it benefits your company with not just a clear and authentic brand identity but a loyal customer base and growth opportunities. This, in turn, leads to increased exposure and profitability.


Is it time your brand had a refresh?

Get in touch with our creative team to guide you through the brand refresh process and help you establish a stronger brand identity.

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